Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Strength and Comfort

Whenever I read about the hurts of others I would feel for them immediately as I could put myself in their shoes easily. Whatever these people had gone through isn't new to me.

Many people find it so difficult to forget the past when a relationship ended. The pains and hurts go on and on for months and years. Am I made of steel? No. I do feel the pain too when bad situations happen to me. The only difference in my case is I have my God of comfort. As I do my devotion every night, God encourages me and helps me go on for another day, and another day, and another day... Slowly, but surely, He sees me through in my times of distress and heartaches.

So here I am, seemingly strong and courageous. Yet I know that without the Lord, Jesus Christ, I would have been in a sorrowful state.

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