Thursday, September 08, 2005

Each Thoughts of You - poem

If each thought I had of you was a rose
And each rose was my dream of you
My garden would be blooming with roses in the day
My nights would be filled with dreams that stay

If each thought I had of you was a song
And each song was my prayer for you
My mouth would be singing my love songs
My heart would be filled with prayers so long

If each thought I had of you was a wish
And each wish was my hope for you
My mind would be loaded with well wishes that I've sent
My heart would be filled with hopes that never end

If each thought we had of us was a rose
And each rose was our dream of us
Our garden would be blooming with roses in the day
Our nights would be filled with dreams that stay

- Bee

posted Thursday, September 08, 2005

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