Sunday, November 07, 2004

What Woman Looks for in Her 'Husband'?

D said at his blog that all his friends are ladies. Well, nothing surprising as opposite attracts. He also said, "Some men are to be "befriended", not beloved." Hmmn... some truth in that statement. But I would rather say some men can be friends, only one can be husband to a woman.

Since only one men can be 'husband' then what is it that a woman looks for in her 'husband'? Is it look, wealth, personality, the mysterious thing call 'chemistry', or what? Sometimes I find it hard to define too. Yet, I do have a very basic guideline that supersedes all these criteria.

To think of it, I have many male course mates whom I have met in real life. However, though they are my friends I am not attracted to any of them nor do we share much about our personal life, other than our study. On the other hand, I can be attached to some friends I made online simply because we share more personal experiences and feelings, though we have not met in person.

I guess my online friends and I will never have shared as much if we have met in person instead. So to me, it is the ability to have mutual sharing of hearts and minds that makes two persons 'clique' and might ultimately leads to a complimentary pair. Well, others might think otherwise.

I am still feeling headache and tired now... need to sleep early. Goodnight!

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