Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dear Lord - poem

Dear Lord,

You know me more than I know myself;
What I cannot see you see them so well.
You know my future; you don't want me to go the wrong way;
So you allow things to happen to direct me to the right place.

I know it pains your heart to see me cry in agony;
Yet you promise to be with me in this life's journey.
You also promise to wipe away my tears,
And stay with me and remove all my fears.

Once again, I want to surrender myself to you;
Please change my heart again and turn it to you.
Cause my heart to go into deep, deep, sleep,
Wake it up again when it's time for us to meet.

Now I am very exhausted from too much crying,
But I still want to pray for someone dear.
May you bless him as he seeks your face.
May you guide his path and grant him grace.

In Jesus' name I humbly pray.

- your child, Bee

posted Friday, November 04, 2004

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