Career Check Up
This test is something new and interesting. It makes me ponder over my current career. You may like to try it and share with me your result. Mine is below:
Thank you, Bee, for completing the Career Check up test. The analysis of your response is as follows:
Statements | 89 out of 100 |
Career Check up
25-60: Your job brings you very little job satisfaction and may even be causing you a sense of emotional, psychological and/or physical pain. You may find that it affects your self-esteem, your relationships and your spiritual life. Your health and general sense of well-being could well depend on your making some changes in your work situation!
61-70: Your feelings about your job may fluctuate between dissatisfaction and toleration, but you do not feel deeply excited or enthusiastic about your job. For the most part, your work does not bring you a sense of enjoyment or fulfilment.
71-89: Right now work may be satisfying, overall. There may be, however, one or more key components that you rated low that are motivating you to consider other job or career options.
90-100: If work "feels good," you are most likely in a job that is a good match. If, however, your job doesn't feel quite right for you, there may be some key satisfaction factors that are not being met and would be worthwhile to explore. Perhaps God has something better in store for you!
So, what does it mean?
Perhaps if your score indicates a level of uncertainty and dissatisfaction it would be good to spend time reflecting on why this is the case. Sometimes God does allow unsettling experiences to give us a gentle 'nudge' into something new. At other times the root may simply be in our attitude to the job rather than the job itself.
God wants us to be fulfilled in living out our lives in line with his plans and utilising the gifts we have. If you are unsure that you are in the place of God's choice, or he may be 'nudging' you towards some area of Christian service, why not consider the designate programme offered by CV. Examine your gifts. Reflect on what the bible has to say about vocation, gifts and service.
Labels: about me, career, personality
I score 50.
hmn... then time to change job ya?
Need to pray and ask God for guidance to the right job that is fulling His purpose. He will show you.
I will pray for you.
Thanks, Bee.
I pray. I pray alot. Still not sure where I am going.
God gives us gifts, talents and abilities. We need to capitalized on what we can do well and perhaps make it our career.
When we can do well in our job we will feel more satisfied and rewarding. Perhaps spend more time to develop your skills to enhance what you can do well to do even better.
For me, I always enjoy my work but I may not enjoy my working environment after some time. Therefore, I changed my environment (after much prayers of course) so I won't get stifled and 'die' there. Each time I do that I get better and better in my skills and knowledge and like my work even more.
Now I know that God has a purpose for me in all the workplaces I have been to, even though they may seem bad at that time. He was preparing me for the work I am doing now and even more ahead for His kingdom sake.
Take heart!
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