Saturday, March 03, 2007

Work & Health Update

I have finally handed in my resignation letter on Monday....

I was not feeling well since the CNY. During those days at home, I dragged the thought of having to go back to work after the holidays. Actually, I already thought of leaving the company in January as I felt too much office politics at my working place. My one month notice to my company was waived and I got paid for a month w/o having to work. :)

I am now back to my headhunting career... feeling free and easy again. I will use this one month to seek God for His direction for my life. I know there is something God wants me to do.... but I am not sure what it is yet.

For the last few days I have been feeling very dizzy, with or w/o medication. The back of my head felt tight at times. At first I thought it was the effect of the cough mixture and the antibiotic. But now that I completed the medication and not taking them for more than a day, the dizziness still stays. Hmmn... sometimes I wonder if I am having a head tumor or something.

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At 03 March, 2007 20:42, Blogger Richard said...

Being free of the drudgery of work is a great feeling. I hope you have enough savings to get you through until you find what you want to do.

Your lightheadedness could be due to low blood pressure.

You might like to read this and muse about it.

One point from it is: The "success trap" occurs when you are rewarded and lauded for something that you're good at but actually dislike. This is how jobs get in the way of careers, and necessary evils come to impede our lives. Let your internal gyroscope tell you what's right for you, not external influences.

At 03 March, 2007 23:19, Blogger buzybee said...

I like the following from the article:

"Time is the great equalizer, since we all have the same amount of it available. When we say that we don't have the time to help a spouse, watch our children perform, fix things around the house, or improve ourselves, we really mean that we don't consider it a priority. We actually do have the time."

time = life;
to give time = to give of ourselves = love

At 04 March, 2007 01:46, Blogger BeTheMan said...

Thank God, you finally quit the job. But in Singapore, there is no such thing as easy job, easy life... Maybe you should try hunt overseas... Or maybe it's a sign for you to settle down. Whatever it is, I wish you well.

At 06 March, 2007 06:24, Blogger Richard said...

Hmmm ... I missed that one, I guess I must have read through it too quickly.

Yes, it is true.

REminds me of Seneca's essay "On the Shortness of Life" where, in a lot more pages, he says pretty much the same thing. People don't so much live their lives as waste it.

At 06 March, 2007 19:35, Blogger buzybee said...

Thanks for your well wishes. But how do you relate quiting job to "a sign for you to settle down."?

I always feel that I will die anytime and picture myself in the obituary. Maybe that's a sign that I must spend my time wisely before it is too late.

At 07 March, 2007 00:33, Blogger Richard said...

In trying to pin you down before, I have been wrong many time, but that won't stop me from trying to offer insight and advice.

When I was much younger, I used to think an honourable, sacrificial death would be a wonderful thing. As I grow older, I grow less enthusiastic for death.

Perhaps your thoughts of death, of seeing your obituary are indirect manifestations of a desire to be remembered.

While I only know you through this blog, I believe my life is richer for it. It will be a lonelier and sadder world when you are no longer in it.

I think you still have a lot to offer this world.

At 07 March, 2007 14:19, Blogger buzybee said...

Richard said, "Perhaps your thoughts of death, of seeing your obituary are indirect manifestations of a desire to be remembered."

Hmmn...on the contrary I wish I am not remembered. As the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind". Though many of my colleagues were shocked and saddened by my resignation, I believe they will forget me in no time unless we still keep in contact.

I am glad I have enriched your life through my humble blog. I must thank you for sharing your thoughts here... it's good to hear your views on the things I blog about. Thanks!


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