Sunday, January 07, 2007

Confirmed Workaholic

Some thoughts came to my mind when I was doing my devotion on "Total Giving". Giving of material things is not as difficult compared to giving of our time. Our time is our life.

I may have given too much of my time to others more than to God. Each week (168 hours), I give to:

work - 70 hours or more (41.67%)
sleep - 49 hours (29.17%)
internet reading & misc - 21 hours (12.5%)
meals & bath - 14 hours (8.33%)
church - 7 hours (4.17%)
devotion - 7 hours (4.17 %)

So I am a real workaholic! Bad! I need to cut down on my time spent in work.

The following was forwarded by my friend. Maybe I should try to be in a ministry rather than in a job...

Some people have a JOB in the church;
others involve themselves in a MINISTRY.
What's the difference?

If you are doing it just because no one else will, it's a JOB.
If you are doing it to serve the Lord, it's a MINISTRY.
If you quit because somebody criticized you, it was a JOB.
If you keep on serving, it's a MINISTRY.
If you'll do it only as long as it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a JOB.
If you are committed to staying with it even when it means letting go of other things, it's a MINISTRY.
If you quit because no one praised you or thanked you, it was a JOB.
If you stay with it even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it is a MINISTRY.
It's hard to get excited about a JOB.
It's almost impossible not to be excited about a MINISTRY.
If our concern is success, it's a JOB.
If our concern is faithfulness, it's a MINISTRY.

An average church is filled with people doing JOBs.
A great and growing church is filled with people involved in MINISTRY.
Where do we fit in? What about us?
If God calls you to a MINISTRY, don't treat it like a JOB.
If you have a JOB, give it up and find a MINISTRY.
God does not want us feeling stuck with a JOB, but excited and faithful to Him in a MINISTRY.

- Author unknown -



At 09 January, 2007 07:32, Blogger Richard said...

If you'll do it only as long as it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a JOB.

It looks like you jobis your ministry (since it gets all the time and attention) - do you let it interfere with other parts of your life.

I use slightly different terms: job and vocation.

I want a vocation, not a job.

I hope you are getting lots of holiday time saved up.

At 09 January, 2007 21:17, Blogger buzybee said...

It seems you are right. I love my work though it takes away so much of my time.

Maybe because my work involves people and their lives. What I said to them will affect them in one way or another. I have lots of chances to share my faith in the course of my work.

At least now I know why I spend so much time in my work. :)

At 10 January, 2007 08:15, Blogger Richard said...

I envy you. I have never loved any job. There are things I enjoy, but there is no passion for it.

When I was younger, I was more enthusiastic, but as I grew older, I realize that excellence and achievement is not something people look for - just steady plodding.

Many of my friends claim to love their jobs; I don't understand why – except in the case of my friend Tony who is a scientist and professor at McGill University. His day is varied and generally quite interesting. However, it is not for me because his scope is too narrow - he has a very focussed and limited in the scope of what he does.

Sometimes, I think that you have an artistic streak and might be happier if you could express yourself more artistically. On the other hand, maybe I am just guessing wrong about you like some many times before.

At 10 January, 2007 22:53, Blogger buzybee said...

Why do you say I have "an artistic streak"? How do you tell? :D


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