Monday, January 15, 2007

Answers to Tough Questions on Relationship

As I was doing my devotion tonight, I came across 2 good articles that answer tough questions on relationship. Below are excerpts of the articles...

How do you handle being rebuffed when you make your best attempts at reconciling a broken relationship?
- by Tim Jackson
One of the most frightening truths that we all must face is the fact that we cannot force someone to love us, no matter what we do. Even if we take appropriate responsibility for harm we've done to them, confess our sin against them, and ask for forgiveness, there is no assurance they will respond in kind. They can choose to remain distant.

While an unresolved relationship is deeply disturbing, one of the most freeing truths is that no one has the power to stop us from loving them. And that's all that God calls us to do, to love others the way He has loved us (John 13:34;15:12).

We all wish there was a "next step" that would make reconciliation work out every time. Sadly, there is no such step. However, at those times when our best efforts at loving are rebuffed, we do have the opportunity to share in our Lord's sufferings, to experience His pain and His relentless longing for reconciliation (Philippians 1:29).

We need to guard against a false guilt that assumes we should be able to do something to "fix" every relationship -- as if it all depends on us alone. While we must take responsibility for our part in a relationship, we must not assume that we are solely responsible for the breach in the relationship. Instead of holding another person responsible for their choices, we can tend to let people off the hook and blame ourselves for "not doing enough" or "missing something" that would be the key to unlocking the relationship.

That kind of thinking is not only demoralizing but controlling and unbiblical. God never asks us to assume responsibility for others, only ourselves. That needs to be our focus.

My Thoughts:
Ah, I also have the tendency to blame myself for all failures in relationship and ended up condemning myself. I need to remember that not all love begets love. In times like these, I begin to understand the pains God feels when His love is being rejected by men.

The above article reminds me of what I can and cannot do. Yes, I do not have the power to make someone love me, but I have the power to love someone.

How should I deal with the impact of rejection in my life?
- by Allison Stevens
When we feel the blow of major rejection -- like the unfaithfulness of a mate, the wound of a family member, or the betrayal of a close friend -- we may wonder if we will ever find someone who will love us again.

In an emotional trauma, we try to make sense of our pain. There's a constant drive to understand and explain why this agony is happening. During this time we can be tempted to respond to rejection in unhealthy ways. We can develop a contempt for ourselves, a contempt for others, a contempt for God, or a combination of all three.

In self-contempt, we take the full responsibility for the failure of the relationship. We wonder, What is it about me that causes people to leave me? We doubt our value as a person, and everything about us is called into question. Doubts of our ability to maintain a loving relationship trouble us. We think, They must have seen something so repulsive in me that no one can love me. Facing the rejection of a spouse, for example, can be especially difficult when you see other couples staying together through devastating experiences. We wonder why our own relationship could not stand the test of trials.

What sounds good about contempt is that it does not require facing additional pain. It avoids grieving losses. It sedates the heart and it keeps others from getting too close. That sounds inviting to a hurting person, but if we nurture contempt, it will lead to depression, loneliness, and bitterness.

We are desperately afraid, because to love again we must risk being vulnerable and admit that we do care, no matter how hard we try to numb our hearts. When we are at the end of our rope and we begin to realize that contempt no longer works for us, we can choose a better way of dealing with life. Letting others get close to us and learning to trust again leads us through the process of grief. For a person who has been hurt, grieving may sound like a sadistic choice. But grief will lead us down the path to restoring our faith, embracing hope, and opening ourselves up to love.

Grieving is important because it provokes us to cry out to God, and thereby to open ourselves to His healing ( Psalm 34:17 ). He is ultimately the One who can give us comfort and protection ( Psalm 61:3; Matthew 5:4 ). When we grieve, we face the truth that we have been deeply hurt and there is something lacking. There is a hole in our hearts that hurts terribly.

It may not feel like it at first, but healing begins when we face the sadness and disappointment of the loss of our hopes and dreams. We tend to avoid our feelings (i.e. deep sadness) because we are afraid that they will consume us, that we will never find comfort. But if we act in faith and "throw ourselves" on the Lord in dependence and cry out to Him, He will be the rock that saves us from the overwhelming waves of pain ( Psalm 34:18 ). God's comfort gives us hope -- hope for a brighter future and for love again. Life without hope is not worth living. Scripture says that God will fill us with hope ( Romans 15:13 ). It also recognizes the vitality and necessity of hope (Psalm 119:116; 147:11 ).

When we see our faith deepen and we are reminded of how God is working in our lives, hope grows. Hope gives us the motivation to love, which is the most important element in the believer's life ( Matthew 22:37-40; 1 Corinthians 13:13 ). Love will open our hearts to hear the truth about our strengths and shortcomings ( 1 Corinthians 13:6 ). Love will soften our hearts for others, cultivate forgiveness, and help us face the beams in our own eyes before we look at the specks in the eyes of our brothers or sisters ( Matthew 7:3-5 ).

We can't fight this battle alone. We need to talk to strong Christian friends who can remind us of the truth of God's love for us. It's important to have friends who will give us freedom and support as we grapple with our doubts and fierce emotion. We may need to seek the help of a good biblical counselor during this rough time. And filling our minds with the truth of God's Word will strengthen us. Meditating on Scripture will equip us and cause our faith to grow.

My Thoughts:
I need to go through the process of grief....

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At 16 January, 2007 08:04, Blogger Richard said...

Being healthy, normal, well-balanced and well-adjusted individuals is hard. We have to deal with our own misperceptions and possibly the misperceptions of the world around us.

I don’t know how much healing you need, if any. You are certainly stronger and happier than when I first dropped by. Sometimes we impose limits on ourselves, build walls and barriers, to protect us from the world. Sometimes we impose arbitrary limits.

Have confidence in yourself, I do. I think you have a lot to offer the world.

As to grieving. Hmmm … that is hard, the problem is that so often in life we wait for when things feel right. After forty years on this Earth, I have to tell you that it very often it only feels right in hindsight. However, this does not stop me from being a waiter too :-(

Sometimes, it just takes a very long time to heal, there is no rushing it, no magical formula to make it go away.

At 17 January, 2007 00:08, Blogger buzybee said...

Thanks for your ever encouraging words and confidence in me, Richard.

I would liken myself to either a 'durian' or a 'crab', i.e. 'hard' on the outside but 'soft and tasty' on the inside. :D If you know what I mean...

To be fully healed one needs to go through the proper grieving process. However, many hurting people may not have the chance to do that, as people around them or the circumstances may not give them the chance to do so.

One such example is in the case of Job in the Old Testament. Job was grieving his loss and sufferings and cursed his own birth in Job 3:1-19:

1Finally, Job cursed the day of his birth
2by saying to God:
3Blot out the day of my birth and the night when my parents created a son.

He also gave reasons for doing so in Job 7:1-21. Yet Job's grief had been mistaken by his 3 close friends, wrong advices were given, and accusations were made.

Hmmn... perhaps I need to take a long holiday oversea alone to do that properly ya.


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