Thursday, April 12, 2007

What Job Suits Me?

My career is taking a different form ever since I left my previous job last month. I have been doing lots of research, reading up lots of info from books and internet, and also seek godly counsels from people who are familiar with what I am about to embark into. When God closed one door, He opened so many that I don't know which one to choose. *eyes rolling* I need to prayerfully bring them to God to guide me to the right one.

While surfing the net I came across a site Releasing God's People Into God's Work. I did my first test and got my result below. Maybe God is preparing for mission work? You may like to try the test yourself and share with me your result.

Questionnaire results:

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Below will find the top 3 category matches to your answers. In addition, there may also be a selection of keywords that help to define the type of position you may be suited for.

EducationPrimary, Secondary and Higher Education, Houseparents, TEFL / TESOL Teaching, Theological and Vocational Education.

Support MinistriesIncluding: Administration, Computers, Finance, Logistics, Management, Personnel, Secretarial, Conference Centre Management, Tentmaking Professionals, etc.

EngineeringThis will include: Aviation, Construction Trades, Engineering, Maintenance and Practical roles.

Administration (which will include Secretary, Manager, etc as unseen synonymous words)
Children / Youth
Disciple (which will include Pastor, Counsellor, Minister, Youth Worker as unseen synonymous words)
Tentmaker (Business, Professionals, Enterprising, TEFL, etc.)
Accountant (Bookkeeper, Finance)
Leadership (Management, Director)

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At 14 April, 2007 01:45, Blogger Richard said...

I get the following categories:

This will include: Aviation, Construction Trades, Engineering, Maintenance and Practical roles.

Including: Art, Graphics, DTP, Bible Translation, Drama, Dance, Music, Editorial, Journalism, Linguistics, Promotions, PR, Radio, TV, Film and video.

Including: Agricultural Development, Community Development, Emergency Relief and Social Development.

Children / Youth

Disciple (which will include Pastor, Counsellor, Minister, Youth Worker as unseen synonymous words)

Tentmaker (Business, Professionals, Enterprising, TEFL, etc.)

Accountant (Bookkeeper, Finance)

Leadership (Management, Director)

At 15 April, 2007 15:07, Blogger buzybee said...

are you currently working as any of the above?

At 16 April, 2007 03:12, Blogger Richard said...

I suppose computer programmer counts as engineering.

At 16 April, 2007 23:52, Blogger Richard said...

I find work to be like attending a banquet where you are told that you are restricted to eating a small serving of peas, at the next job, a small serving of carrots, etc. I want to be able to enjoy a nice, proper, well balanced meal.

All my experiences with work have lead me to believe it is a lot of "hurry up and wait".

I am envious of people who can be satisfied with a small and limited portion. People who are so focused that they don't notice there is roast beef, strawberry gelatin, fresh pineapple, chocolate éclairs, mashed potatoes, cabbage and mushrooms, iced tea, etc.

At 18 April, 2007 02:35, Blogger buzybee said...

Hmn... then you should change or do something about it so that you can "enjoy a nice, proper, well balanced meal" ;)

I did that last month :D

At 18 April, 2007 06:10, Blogger Richard said...

I am very slow moving - like a tortoise (no one would ever describe me as hurried).

I may change directions, but I want a change with purpose, not simply because I want to run away from where I am. Or, I may decide that I am being foolish with my dreams and an ingrate with my blessings and remain where I am.

Hmmm ... last month I thought you were sick. How is the cold / illness / mystery disease?

And ... what exactly do you do? I have a hard time understanding most people's job - especially when they don't describe it.

At 18 April, 2007 15:11, Blogger buzybee said...

Richard said, "I am very slow moving - like a tortoise (no one would ever describe me as hurried)."

Oh, this is our 1st difference. I am too fast to most people, especially at work. :)

Richard said, "last month I thought you were sick. How is the cold / illness / mystery disease?"

Thanks for asking. I am 99% ok now... still have a little residual cough once in a while. In the end, 3 doctors from the same government hospital have 3 different diagnosis on my conditions. *sigh*

Richard said, "what exactly do you do?"

I am currently working freelance as consultant, handling consultancy projects related to education... including education centres startup, staffing, curriculum development, training, etc. Recently, 4 very attractive business/career options are opened to me and I need to prayerfully consider them.


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