Friday, May 18, 2007

Winners vs Losers

Excerpts from Winners vs Losers:
"According to your faith be it unto you." - Matthew 9:29

A winner sees an opportunity in every risk while a loser sees a risk in every opportunity. Winners know that to risk nothing is to risk everything, that if
they are going to win they need to be willing to try, to take chances, and to risk failure. That is, they have to be willing to strike out if they are going to hit home runs.......

True winners make sure their goal is in harmony with God's will and, because of this, they know that with his help there is always a way to achieve their goal.
Furthermore, they believe in their cause. And they believe in themselves in a healthy way. Therefore they expect to win, believe they will, and do so.

They also know that if they tried and did their best, they have already won.

My Thoughts:

I used to be a "loser" in the past by the above definition. I was a very pessimistic person, or you may call me a 'worrier'. ;)

However, I have changed a lot over the years. As I began to know and trust God more each day, I have become a "winner" by the above definition again. The secret of my change is found in the second excerpt, where I make sure what I do is in harmony with God's will as much as possible.


To know God's will, I need to read the Bible daily, go to church every Sunday, have fellowship with Christians who love Jesus, pray for guidance, and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit prompting in my heart.

Right, all of you can be a "winner" too if you do likewise. :D

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