Thursday, October 19, 2006


I found the following quotations at Courtship vs. Betrothal as I was trying to read more regarding "holy kiss" mentioned in tonight's Daily Bread.

"Love the one you marry." - Paul - Apostle - circa 60AD

"And if you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with." - Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young - musicians - circa 1970AD

Food for thoughts ya.... more articles at Fortifying The Family.

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At 23 October, 2006 23:29, Blogger Richard said...

I think too many people spend too much time trying to pin down words and meanings and establish appropriate rules of conduct. The most important is not how we behave externally, but how we are internally.

Our lips may smile, but our hearts are cold. Jesus put it simply, "If a man looks at a woman with lust in his heart, he has committed adultery." No need for complicated rules governing behaviour or actions. What is in your heart is what you are - your body may or may not act out what is in your heart, but that is immaterial. The sin has already been committed - we can aggravate it further by acting out.

As I have mentioned a number of times, I loved my wife before I knew who she was and I believed that my fidelity to her was important. Sadly, in this world (past and present), it seems that fidelity is only something that happens only after "I do" – and, even then, it is rather shaky, with serial polygamists divorcing and remarrying at will.

We say of God, "Who was, Who is, Who always shall be" or "As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be." For me, fidelity is no different, "I was, I am, I always shall be."

Keep reflecting.

At 26 October, 2006 13:18, Blogger G said...

can't agree more. =)


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