Saturday, May 19, 2007

Where Are the Real Men?

As I read my thoughts written one and half year ago (1 Nov 05) in my old blog, it is interesting to note that what I knew then and now never change -- it's hard to find a "real man" who truly loves....

Blogged on 1 Nov 05:

Once again, today's "Daily Encounter" which I subscribed to has encouraged me as it always has. God never fail to speak to me at the right time through this simple yet profound article. I would encourage all of you to subscribe to it too...

What is Real Love? (read full article from Daily Encounter, 1 Nov 05)

Thus real love is unconditional; that is, it is love without strings attached. It doesn't have hidden motives for loving someone. When one gives love it is always gratifying if that love is returned, but real love loves regardless of the response of the other. It always has the other's best interest at heart—and this sometimes calls for tough love.

The Apostle Paul also noted in this masterpiece on love, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." In other words, real love is the fruit, perhaps the highest fruit, of both emotional and spiritual maturity. So to grow in love we need to keep growing in both emotional and spiritual maturity. (1 Corinthians 13: 11)

My Thoughts:

What struck me in this article is the quotation, "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." So true!

Very often, we behave just like a little child even though we are grownups. When we don't get what we want we throw tantrum; we sulk, cry, say something harsh, do something we soon regret, etc. Many of us are emotional "babes", including myself. It's time to grow up! It's time to "put childish way behind me".

I suppose this emotional stunted growth is due to the lack of love during one's early childhood. So, even as an adult, one would still cling on to the past deficiency of love. This is true at least for me. I guess one of the ways to overcome this is to find someone who can give "real love"... who can give assurance of love constantly and unconditionally. However, finding such a person isn't that easy. :(

Even the most loving man I came across would behave like a "child" at times under pressure and stress. So I guess I have to be a 'real woman' (in my case) myself. To be one I have to grow spiritually. The more I grow in Jesus Christ, the more mat
ure I will be, the less "childish" I will be, the more love I could give.

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