Sunday, November 13, 2005

The way you think

The way you think

determines the way you feel,

and the way you feel influences

the way you act.

- Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

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At 13 November, 2005 18:02, Blogger buzybee said...

Thanks for sharing honestly, JF.

My heart and mind tend to 'fight' with each other often. My heart wants to control my mind and make me act foolishly. But my mind will try to reason with my heart to act correctly.

I agree that the right information can determine whether our heart or mind wins the 'battle'. So the real culprit of any relationship problem is the wrong information/impression we get, making us feel wrongly and then act foolishly to hurt ourselves and others.

I am learning to think correctly and also to give correct information to another person.. so we can all feel and do the right things.

At 13 November, 2005 22:43, Blogger Richard said...

I am not sure if thoughts affect feeling or if feelings affect the way you think.

Certainly, the two are very synergistic - each feeding the other.

Definitely, how you feel influences how you act.

A friend of mine once told me, "Ask for forgiveness, not for permission."

I can apply his advice to some things (like work), but not to other areas (interpersonal relationships).

For me, every action either has a moral aspect or not. If it is not moral than I should not do it. So, when dealing with people, I will usually ask permission because I do not want to have to ask forgiveness.

Nothing I do is done without my full awareness. For some reason, I am unable to simply 'let loose' - my brain always gets in the way, forcing me to evaluate. I have to confess, that I have a certain degree of admiration for those who are able to go with the flow and follow their feelings.

I am very much a Stoic in my beliefs as these two quotes attributed to Zeno of Citium attest:

"Steel your sensibilities, so that life shall hurt you as little as possible."
"Follow where reason leads."

Or, as Isaiah Berlin writes in "The Crooked Timber of Humanity": "Men are rational, they do not need control; rational beings have no need of a state, or of money, or of law-courts, or of any organised, institutional life. In the perfect society men and women shall wear identical clothes and feed in a common pasture."

At 18 November, 2005 15:57, Blogger stuart said...

No wonder u rather think of God than to think of men who can fail and hurt u so often.

Ok, think positively, gal.


At 18 November, 2005 19:51, Blogger buzybee said...

Glad that you finally understand the reason, Stuart. :)


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