Saturday, July 01, 2006

Purpose In My Work

Talk abt God's purpose in your CCA (work).

Not just the CCA (work), but the position.

For every individual, there will be a different purpose.
What is yours?

Maybe you won't realise it till you get your calling.
Coz if He hadn't called me to this, I would never have identified and understood the purpose behind my CCA (work).

Don't just accept things as they are.
Why are you where you are today?

- Eliza, 15 year-old blogger

The above blog thought makes me ponder. Why did God put me in the various positions I have been in so far?

I went away from my education career, but within 3 months I am back again. Not only that, I am put in a position of influence where I can change situations and lives, though it's a delicate task. I am there to be the change manager and leader. I need all the wisdom of God to say and do the right things.

I look forward to work everyday though I stay back late everyday too. I am excited by the tasks I have to perform and the challenges ahead. But one thing I dislike is politics at my workplace, even amongst those who claimed to be Christians. :(

So now it's my season to be where I am. I pray that I will bear many fruits in my season.

Yes, my present work occupies most of my waking hours. So during the weekdays, I really don't have much time to blog, other than doing my devotion blog. There is no time for me to think or feel too much or miss anyone. Isn't that good? No need to feel the emotional pain that most 20s or 30s feel. Weekend like now is my blogging day. It's good that I am not bound by the PC but have more time interacting with people at work.

That aside, I can't take leave for the Conference I mentioned, but I will try to attend the Seminar at night, "Affluence and Influence".



At 02 July, 2006 23:15, Blogger Richard said...

I hate "politics" as well because its purpose is not to work cooperatively, but to divide others and pursue ones' selfish goals.

There is a difference between time alone to recharge, to reflect, to rest and recover and between withdrawing and fading away.

I think you have a lot to offer. Be careful not to let people exploit you. Be careful not to fade away.

Despite being a Stoic, I think feelings are very important. I think you must feel always. The Stoic part of my life, simply allows me to understand and appreciate my feelings. We know our feelings, but we are not enslaved to them.

I can't remember, nor find the quote from Seneca on contrasting the Stoics and the Cynics. Cynics practised apatheia - not feeling. Seneca's position was that htis was not good. "The difference", he wrote, "was that the Cynic is not even aware that he is suffering. The Stoic is aware, but does not allow it to affect him." (that is about as good a paraphrasing I can do).

Feel, but let your life be guided by Truth. Christ felt. He experienced teh Passion - even though He asked for the cup to be taken away. We feel and we do what is right in order to be truly worthy of being called son or daughter by God.

I miss orange juice.

At 03 July, 2006 21:29, Blogger buzybee said...

Hi Richard, I am still around. :) Just that I don't have time to blog as regularly as before. :(

So I won't fade away totally... will leave some trace behind.

Ah, talking about "orange juice" makes me thirsty, :P

Thanks for your input and for still dropping by.


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