Sunday, December 12, 2004

Charity Mission Trip


My new work had drained off all my energy, as I did lots of physical work last week helping in setting up of the new office. I was dead tired after my work on Friday night but still went for our Cell meeting as usual. When I got back home around 12 midnight, I just 'collapsed' onto my bed like a 'log'... very unlike the usual me. The worse part was I had to rise early for my charity mission trip the next day. I wondered how I would ever make it if not for the strength from God.


Worked up very early around 6.30 a.m. for my trip. Still felt very tired physically along the way, so I sms a few close friends to pray for added strength from God for me. Indeed it worked! Thank you friends! I really felt the added new strength from above in helping those needy people out there.

We were concerned that the rain might affect our activities in the charity work. I prayed for good weather and true enough God really 'turned off and on' the rain for us just like a 'tap'... the rain started and stopped just at the right moment for us all the time. We were blessed with cool weather. :)

We also organized a Christmas Party for the needy people there in the evening... they were so happy. Great to see and hear their laughters.


Again God was in control of the weather. We went to another village to distribute food stuff to the needy people and also sang Christmas carols for them. Both the young and old danced along, clapping their hands as we sang. One grandma remarked that the village had not been so happy before and that we had really brought life into the whole village. They were very thankful for us to be there.

We went for a body massage just before leaving for home to relieve our body aches. It was a successful trip indeed!



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