Monday, December 06, 2004

Spring Cleaning My Life

During the Sunday Service yesterday, the message seemed to confirm what I thought God is trying to tell me through the experiences I had after my trip...

The message was about how a Marathon Runner would train for the race. The Runner has to be very discipline and stay focus in order to reach his goal/dream. The speaker also encouraged us through the example of boarding the wrong bus. He said there will be occasions where we might board the wrong bus. So instead of just continuing with the journey in the wrong bus, we should alight and board the right bus.

Yes, my experiences since coming back from my trip have had great significance in my life too. I know that God is telling me something through them... e.g.
- the recent email I received helps to remove the pain and distraction in my life and closes a chapter (at least for now)... allows me to focus on what's more important (God)... reminds me of my purpose on earth (to love others through God's love, not mine)

- the problem with my laptop lets me see that my life can be problematic too if I don't resolve certain issues properly... it also helps me see how my life would be like without my computer

- the solving of my laptop problem reminds me that God still answers prayers... He can use my friend to help me (problem resolved without paying a cent for it)

All the above happenings are like doing a 'spring cleaning' of my life before I begin my new projects starting tomorrow (Tues). I will no longer have the luxury of my own time and will be very busy with my new work. Honestly speaking, I am apprehensive of my own ability to perform the task given to me... feeling a little 'rusty' after having enjoyed a very carefree freelance lecturing job for a while. It's time to start my life anew with God as my Guide to face the challenges ahead of me.

I guess I will have very little time to chat soon... must try to sleep by 11 p.m. on weekdays. :(



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