Saturday, December 04, 2004

Looking Back to Go Forward

Looking Back to Go Forward (From Daily Encounter)

"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13, 14, niv).

I have read that if flies are placed in a jar with air holes in the lid, they will fly frantically, banging into the lid, desperately trying to escape from their prison. If left there long enough, eventually they will stop hitting the lid. Later, if the lid is removed, they won't even try to escape.

Some of us are like the flies. Because of a traumatic or painful experience in our past we have been "conditioned" to believe that we are trapped in a prison of helplessness without escape, so we are afraid to try again for fear of failure or of being hurt again.

To overcome, we need to acknowledge where we have been hurt and, if necessary, get into a recovery program to overcome our painful memories and unresolved feelings.

As Peter said, "So get rid of your feelings of hatred." The same principle applies to all negative feelings--especially the supercharged repressed negative ones. Repressing or denying these feelings doesn't get rid of them. It only adds "interest" to them and makes matters worse. Furthermore, we can never "forget" the past until we have resolved it. Only then are we truly able to forgive any and all who have ever hurt us. Until we do this, we are still bound to and controlled by our past.

Suggested prayer:
"Dear God, please help me to resolve any hurts from the past that are affecting my life in any negative way. And help me to forgive any and all who have ever hurt me so I can put all these matters behind me, forget them, and be free to fully live and fully love and to better serve you. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

My Reflection

Yes, forgetting the past and live in the present for a better future ahead.... that's what I have been doing since yesterday.

A new work project that just started yesterday would mean a new beginning for me too. For the whole of yesterday, I was away from the internet and my mind was nothing else but my work at hand. It was only when K sms me toward the end of my work that I remembered he needed my prayers and encouragement still. I hope K will also learn to trust in God and focus on what he needs to do to resolve his problems.

I was a little apprehensive about my ability to perform my new task before I reported for work yesterday. But now felt more confidence after meeting my fellow colleagues and worked with them. They are nice people too as I initiated my friendliness towards them. But most importantly, I have learned to pray on my job to ask for God's guidance and wisdom in doing and saying the right thing.

I am looking forward to another day of work, with my confidence and trust in God. :)

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