Thursday, November 17, 2005

Why do I blog?

Blogging has become something very commercialized recently. You can make money out of it if you have many readers. Therefore, some bloggers would welcome all types of people even to their personal blog, allowing anonymous comments to increase readership.

Well, there is nothing wrong with opening one's blog to any Tom, Dick and Harry, if money making is the purpose of a particular blog.

As for me, I do care WHO READS my blog. That’s why my blog keeps ‘running’ so I can stay as private as possible, only sharing my private thoughts with genuine readers and friends, if any. When I do move my blog to a new address (quite frequent), I will inform this group of people because I treasure them.

How did I get started in blogging?

I was introduced to the world of blogging slightly more than 2 years ago, on 17 Oct 03, after reading a blog of a person at a Christian forum. I felt so excited that I have found a way to express my trapped thoughts and feelings.

Not only that, blogging has helped me learnt many things I would never have learnt, such as basic web designing and codes, use of search engines, use of different software, releases my hidden creativity, gives me inspiration to compose poem, makes me a channel of blessing to others and makes a difference to them, making new online friends, and most of all to get close to God.

I am a very private person and I don’t usually share anything personal with friends. I blog solely to release myself and not to attract attention, therefore, I don't care IF PEOPLE READ my blog... i.e. I don’t care WHETHER ANYONE READS my blog or not. Even if no one reads it I will still blog.

I hope those who are reading my blog will bear in mind that this is my private online diary. I am not out to preach to anyone about my God... I am just jotting down my personal encounters. If you feel offended by my thoughts of God, do feel free to abstain from reading.

So why do I blog?

For the same reason when I first started and was mentioned in my first composed poem, “Here I Am”.

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At 17 November, 2005 23:34, Blogger Richard said...

Why did I start blogging?

I've wanted a presence on the internet since at least 1996, but being a typical procrastinator I didn't do much about.

Like you, I am also very private, I do not wear my heart on my sleeve (I keep it locked in a very secure place).

I got into it because I found Ingrid in a random search. I have known her since 1992, but she was never really a friend - just the roommate of a friend. Seeing that she had a blog, inspired me to get one of my own.

Initially, I expected to blog about two things: my pontifications and technical issues.

Aside from an early pontifical entry, I have not really done much of that. And there has definitely been no tech in my blog to date.

A principal problem I had in the beginning was finding focus. In the August / September time frame I seemed to gain some momentum - likely because my despondency was lifting. Also at that time I started randomly hopping from blog to blog, seeing what other citizens where out there.

I think I have been blessed with having dropped comments on a few good blogs and being rewarded with some readers who leave me delightful comments. Of course, this positive feedback is somewhat synergistic and encourages me to blog more.

The one thing I know about myself is that I cannot handle a lot of people in my life at any one time. Not if I want to maintain what I consider a satisfactory relationship with them.

So, like you, the few people I have in my blogging life I like and I cherish. Becoming a big flashy blog with lots of traffic (and potential revenue streams) means that I would have to become more superficial - and it is something I could not do.

A similar corollary from my personal life would be the International Club when I was at university. I met and made many wonderful friends. While it was sad that they quickly moved through my life, the turnover allowed me to make room for new friends in my life.

Take care and keep blogging (and don't forget to let me know where you disappear to, should you decide to run again).

At 18 November, 2005 01:36, Blogger buzybee said...

Richard said: "The one thing I know about myself is that I cannot handle a lot of people in my life at any one time. Not if I want to maintain what I consider a satisfactory relationship with them."

Yes, just like me. :)

Richard said: "Take care and keep blogging (and don't forget to let me know where you disappear to, should you decide to run again)."

Hehehe... sure. You have been a very supportive reader (and now I regard you as my online friend), always sharing your thoughts on my posts, which is very helpful to me. Hope you'll continue sharing. :D

At 18 November, 2005 15:52, Blogger stuart said...

Glad you have found an outlet to express yourself. Wow! I know you both online and offline... I must be very lucky. :) But not lucky enough to win your heart. :(


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