Sunday, January 01, 2006

My 2006 Resolution

That summarizes my 2006 resolution... hehe

When I asked someone for his 2006 resolution, guess what's his answer?

"1280x854 for now"

That's very funny and witty of him.... hahaha. Yes, I really laughed at his reply though he sounded so serious.

I guess I have to learn to be more relax and carefree from 2006 onward. I want to laugh more, be contented with simple things in life, be innocent again, sleep early and wake up early, don't expect too much from others, to be child-like, be less complicated about life and relationship.

And to all my readers and friends:

I hope the article below is useful to those who have some resolutions to make. Below are some excerpts...

Resolution Solution
6 great ways to make your goals stick (by Joan Esherick)

....As I read through my files, I realized my difficulty in keeping resolutions was less a matter of desire, discipline, or motivation, and more a misunderstanding of how to set goals effectively.

New Year's resolutions are nothing more than goals in disguise. Our problem is we often treat resolutions as desires (I want to get in shape) or promises (I will be a better friend), whereas goals give us a plan.

Try these six steps for more effective resolutions:

1 Be specific.
2 Be realistic.
3 Include a way to measure your success
4 Think short-term and long-term
5 Be flexible.
6 Review periodically.
ask the following questions:
How am I doing? Am I still on course?
Which goals am I encouraged about?
Which are frustrating me? Can I be more flexible?
Have circumstances changed since I set this goal?
Is my goal realistic? Specific? Measurable?
If not, what could I change to make it more so?
Is this the right season of life to work on this?
Have I prayed about this goal?

....Try these six steps for more effective resolutions:

Need Some Goal-Setting Help?

Here are 10 easy tips:
Write down your goals.
Then cut them in half!
Tell someone your goals.
Keep track of your progress.
Reward yourself with each success.
Be optimistic.
Be prepared for difficulty and failure.
Adjust course as needed.
Measure growth by months and years, not days.
Treat each day as a brand-new beginning.




At 01 January, 2006 05:52, Blogger Richard said...

Sounds like a good resolutions and objectives for 2006.

The tips in the article are good. You need specific measurable goals - i.e. "being happy" is not specific or measurable. "Saving $5000 this year" is specific and measurable.

The only problem is that not everything is specific or measurable. I want to be happy, I want to be contented. I can name specific things I think might give me that, but then again, maybe they are tempting illusions.

Ha Ha! Too deep.

At 01 January, 2006 18:52, Blogger buzybee said...

Richard said: ""being happy" is not specific or measurable... The only problem is that not everything is specific or measurable."

That's right... too many things can make me happy, so I can't possibly name all of them. Your visiting my blog and commenting has made me happy. :)


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