Monday, January 02, 2006

My Feeling For 2006

My feeling for 2006 is great!

Like what I said in "Dark Light" I have been feeling rather peaceful, contented, and worry-free again like before the year 2005.

Has my situation change?

No, but my mindset has.

In fact, I didn't realize the change till I received an sms from my best friend last night saying, "wish u able2 fulfill whatever unfulfilled stuff from last year resolution..." But my reply was, "Hmmn... what i want last yr is not what i want this yr..."

Why? Because I have given all my last year's hopes and dreams to God and I want them no more. I just want to be in the will of God. I trust that if God finds it good for me to have those 'stuff', He will give them to me this year. If not, I am happy without them. So I believe I have made the right 2006 resolution.

How did I change my mindset?

Through my daily devotion with God. During these devotions, I feel God's encouragement as I read the Bible and focus on God's promises. The last few devotions have been most enocuraging to me...

December 30, 2005 - Getting In Shape

I need to get in shape.. for my soul and spirit. :)

God has allowed me to be stripped of my natural abilities so that I will not trust in what's natural but to fully rely on Him, just like Moses.

In the process of transformation suffering and pains are inevitable to shape me into what God wants me to be. So now I know the purpose of my 2005 heartaches.

December 31, 2005 - You Can Do It!

Looking at what I plan to do from scratch in 2006, listed in my post "Goodbye 2005", can be a darning task... I wonder if I can do it.

Thank God, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". (Philippians 4:13)

Yes, I can do it bit by bit, a little change a day, a week, a month... I may walk 3 steps forward and 1 step backward... but surely I can do it. Just like I managed to stay alive and sane today even though I had so many struggles months before now.

January 01, 2006 - Into The Unknown

I need to step into 2006 BY FAITH, just like Abraham did.

I am not sure of what 2006 holds for me... I am not sure what I should do, or where I should go, and when these should happen. Just like what I wrote regarding "My 2006 Resolution", all I know is "I want to laugh more, be contented with simple things in life, be innocent again, sleep early and wake up early, don't expect too much from others, to be child-like, be less complicated about life and relationship." I have let go of those things I wanted so much in 2005 but didn't get.

I used to do lots of planning and I charted my own career path, I knew where and when I was going, and I felt proud of my achievements. But now I am learning to walk by faith and not by sight, for God said in Isaiah 55:8-9:
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.

9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."

My dear readers and friends,

I hope you will also feel strong as they enter into 2006. If you need encouragement, just join me at my devotion blog... we shall run together. :)

Take care!

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At 02 January, 2006 23:19, Blogger Richard said...

Bee wrote: Has my situation changed? No, but my mindset has.

Isn't it a wonderful feeling to have the weight on the soul lifted even if nothing else has changed? No longer feeling oppressed and burdened, but free to move forward unfettered.

At 03 January, 2006 09:43, Blogger buzybee said...

yes, i feel much 'lighter' now and as if i can 'fly'. :)


At 03 January, 2006 17:25, Blogger Mockingbird said...

Amen. Renewing our minds by having our daily devotion with God just can't be over-emphasized if one is to keep a good healthy relationship with Him :)

At 03 January, 2006 19:19, Blogger buzybee said...

thanks, Michael. u must b enjoying your devotion too ya. :)

At 03 January, 2006 23:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to know u have changed your mindset and u feel 'lighter'!! ; and "I believe you can fly, I believe you can touch the sky...." - to greater heights. With your great faith in God, He will guide and show u the way, ultimately.
I believe u had persevered and will pray for you too, to a better career path and fruitful relationship.

At 04 January, 2006 00:42, Blogger Ken Loh said...

Hmm, I realised I haven't commented on your blog for quite a while.. well, you know me lah, I'm a man of few words. ;p

Well, just want to say that I've always made it a point to drop by your blog daily, even though I may be just quietly "watching" it from afar. So my silence doesn't mean I don't care yah? :)

Well, it's amazing our friendship has lasted over these years despite the ups and downs, the wounds and scratches that we've got from some of the really bad arguments we had over these years, hehe. I'll never forget the role you've played in my life to help me being where I am today. I was a person who didn't believe in "e-friend" and this friendship with you just proved myself wrong. So, in the presence of all witnesses here, and to mark the start of this new year, I'd take this opportunity to award you the title of being my longest-ever one and only "THE E-friend Award"! Hope you'll fulfill every of the resolution you have for the new year and hope our friendship gets stronger over the years!

At 04 January, 2006 11:49, Blogger buzybee said...

Letter4u, thanks for your prayers and for visiting my blog. I also pray that u too have a good 2006 with new hopes and aspirations. :)

Soulgiver, yes it's been 2 years since we first 'met'. :) Thank you for the 'award'.... I should give a 'speech' right?... hehe

Thanks for your friendship too. I merely be my true self while online... the real me that my offline frends have no chance to see. But don't forget to comment more and make your presence felt this year, ok? Yes, may our friendship lasts. Cheers!

I guess people who 'live online' (online most time) naturally have good friends online rather than offline, isn't it? For some people, their good and close friends are e-friends. Such friendship could last longer than in-person-friendship as people are more willing to bare their hearts and souls.... therefore more genuine I guess.


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