Tuesday, July 11, 2006

He Answered My Prayers

Wow! God answered my simple prayers today by today!

I read Eliza's blog entry yesterday on how God has answered her prayers last Sunday on the same day. This morning, I decided to make 2 very specific prayers to God too.

First request: I prayed that I could catch the bus earlier than usual this morning so I could reach my office earlier. Usually, I have to wait for about 20 min or longer for the bus to arrive. But today, the bus came within 5 min. Thank God!

Second request: I prayed that God would help me manage my 'political' bosses well and that my work won't get stuck because of them. This afternoon, while I was having lunch with one of my bosses, another two came to join us. We had a good talk and after that I felt quite relieved as they promised to give me their support so I could do my job well without delay. Praise God!

Isn't my God wonderful? :)

One lesson I learnt is that I can learn things from someone younger than me, both in physical and spiritual age. Another lesson I learnt is that my prayers must be specific so I could see specific results. I also must have child-like faith to believe that God will answer my prayers when I pray.

Thank God for these lessons.

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At 12 July, 2006 00:30, Blogger Richard said...

It is wonderful when our prayers are answered so clearly and obviously. Little affirmations like that are always great!

It is when our prayers do not seem to be answered that we wonder what is going on.

Of course, sometimes our prayers are answered a little too well. I remember when I finished University and was pretty much destitute and in need of a job, I prayed for a job. I got one, quite quickly compared to many, but the first 2 months were very hectic with very long hours and little sleep.

At 12 July, 2006 22:27, Blogger buzybee said...

Great! we have a prayers answering God. :)


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