Saturday, July 08, 2006


It's been 3 weeks into my new work by now. I hope my enthusiasm won't die off as I encountered many man-made obstacles. I have been sandwiched between 2 'political parties' (my bosses). Each party tries to tell me their side of the story to win my 'vote'. That's how I felt. In so doing, my work got stuck. *sigh*

Anyway, I still like my job because I know I have contributed something in bringing my colleagues (not my bosses) together to work as a team and they feel more united now than before.

I attended a training workshop last night and the whole of today. It's a workshop on how to share Bible stories to children in creative ways. The lessons were very interesting, but the session today was too long for most participants. We reached our absorption limit after lunch. *yawning*

I have to disappoint someone close this weekend. I feel really sorry but I can't held it. "I'm SORRY". :(

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At 09 July, 2006 11:54, Blogger Richard said...

It looks like a yummy sandwich, but I would have skinned the dog first ;-)

The only side you should ever choose is that of Truth. It doesn't make you popular (doesn't necessarily make you unpopular either), but at least people will always trust you.

Maybe you should have skipped lunch and left a little more room for more ideas?

At 09 July, 2006 14:58, Blogger buzybee said...


Yes, I don't like to play politics. I will only say what I really think.

Btw, do u know how I eat my lunch on most days? I packet my lunch from our cafe and sit in front of my office pc to eat and work at the same time. That's not good, I know. So the last 2 days I went with my colleagues to have lunch out of the office. Hope to do that more.

At 10 July, 2006 00:47, Blogger Richard said...

I always eat in front of my PC. Sigh. I am not very sociable.


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