Friday, April 21, 2006

Love Can Wait

"A Hallmark Card says, "I can't promise you forever, but I can promise you today." This is one of the newest love cards for the 1990s--no commitment--just warm fuzzy feelings. And then when the mood changes and the fuzzies are gone, the earlier "love" and "respect" begin to fade. Living together before marriage is not an effective way to test the compatability of potential marriage partners. Living together without marriage usually does more emotional harm than good. Total commitment is what makes a lasting and good marriage. And yet---commitment is what cohabiting couples are purposely avoiding. Couples who mate before they are mates, tend to rely on sexual intimacy to keep them together. Strong human relationships require more than that. Couples who share the same roof before the public marriage ceremony often build a shaky foundation for their life together."


My Reflection

While doing my devotion Winds Of Love, the passage and the article, ON LIVING TOGETHER BEFORE MARRIAGE, explained and reinforced my concept of love.

Love can wait, it doesn't rush; it grows slowly, not overnight; it grows stronger, not give up half way; it thinks of "you", not think of "I"; it never fails...

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At 21 April, 2006 21:31, Blogger Richard said...

I agree.

Love is more than feeling good and pleasurable indulgence.

Without commitment, the pleasure is selfish and not founded on the objective of strengthening, nourishing and building

We recognize easily the selfish destructiveness of certain pleasurable indulgences: smoking, drinking, drug use. Why are we blind to this?

Of course, the sad truth is that many are hurt and escape into pleasurable indulgence gives a brief respite - no matter how harmful and illusory it is.

At 21 April, 2006 23:46, Blogger Richard said...

Not to ignore the whole issue of fidelity.

Far too many people practice "serial polygamy".

At 23 April, 2006 23:06, Blogger buzybee said...



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