Saturday, December 20, 2003

Lee Kuan Yew - poem

Read the book on the life of Lee Kwan Yew.
It tells of one who helped made old things new.
It tells of one who cared not only for self but also for you.
It tells of one who loved his country and did his fair due.

Read the book on a man of courage who changed history.
I wonder if there'll be another who would love his own country.
I wonder if there'll be another who could create a new story
I wonder if there'll be another who could help Singapore gain more glory.

Read the book entitled, 'Lee Kuan Yew at 80'.
At age 80, Lee says, "Life is an adventure. You begin your journey...
At the end of the day, all I have to cherish are human relationships.
Your worldly wealth you can't take away with you, your life has been lived.

It is the friends you have made, your family ties, which sustain your spirit
With a certain warmth and comfort." Ah, golden words indeed!
Lee concludes with, "So you cannot say that you plan your whole life.
And that's why I feel life is a great adventure: exciting, unpredictable, and at times exhilarating."

- Bee

posted Saturday, 20 December 2003

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Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Just wondering - poem

Just wondering, wondering, wondering...
Wonder at the stars in the sky at night
Wonder at the rainbows after the rain in the sunny sky
Wonder at the flowers, the plants, the trees, though there aren't many
Wonder at the sea, the ocean, the creatures within that swim freely

Wonder at the people, people, peopleā€¦
Wonder at the differences we have, the serious and the funny
Wonder at the feelings of some and the non feelings of many
Wonder at the expressiveness of some and those who cry within
Wonder at the why, the how, the what about human beings

Just wondering, wondering, wondering...

- Bee

posted Tuesday, 2 December 2003

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