Wednesday, March 01, 2006

You Are Always My Friend

"You Are Always My Friend"

You are always my friend;
When I am happy
or when I am sad,
When I am alone
or when I am with people.

You are always my friend,
If I see you today
Or if I see you a year from now,
If I talk to you today
Or if I talk to you a year from now.

You are always my friend,
And though through the years we will change,
It does not matter what you do.
Throughout our lifetime
You are always my friend.

~ Susan Polis Schutg ~

A best friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

~ Unknown ~

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At 03 March, 2006 05:21, Blogger stuart said...

You are always so sweet to your friends, so forgiving towards people who hurt you.

May I be allowed to know the song in your heart?

You are always my friend too.... always will Bee! :)

At 03 March, 2006 12:06, Blogger buzybee said...

Thanks for your long friendship, Stuart... well proven over time... always stand by me. You are one of the rare good friends I have. Thanks! :)

At 03 March, 2006 12:35, Blogger Richard said...

I've been looking at this post for 2 days now and I'm not sure how to comment on it.

Clearly it is an ode to friendship, but ... there is a hint of darkness to it:

I like to dedicate the following poem to someone who is always my friend, ... even if this friend doesn't want to be my friend anymore.

Trust in yourself and recognize that friendship requires reciprocity (this does not mean it must be equal or fair).

Maybe I just intepret things wrong (as usual).

Take care.

At 03 March, 2006 14:26, Blogger buzybee said...

hehee.... u are right, Richard. See... I removed that sentence already. :)

Actually, that is only applicable to people who were once good friends before but for some reasons or misunderstandings that the friendship is affected.

At 03 March, 2006 22:26, Blogger Richard said...

Ok, now it fits better with your new more confident persona (or maybe I was just misinterpreting the style of your posts when I first arrived).

At 04 March, 2006 00:27, Blogger stuart said...

Bee: "Thanks for your long friendship, Stuart... well proven over time... always stand by me. You are one of the rare good friends I have. Thanks! :)"

Thank you for taking me as your good friend too. You are a rare gem, that's why.

Still here waiting. =)

At 04 March, 2006 01:24, Blogger Elvina aka LaoNiang said...

I like this poem. gives me a fuzzy warm feeling. :)

At 04 March, 2006 01:25, Blogger Elvina aka LaoNiang said...

by the way, your site banner looks amazing. I am really impressed.

At 05 March, 2006 02:56, Blogger buzybee said...

glad u like it... thanks to tommy who did all that for me. :)

At 06 March, 2006 14:38, Blogger stuart said...

Bee: "thanks to tommy who did all that for me. :)"

Hmmn, why is Tommy so nice to you? ;) I wouldn't do so much for a gal unless I like/love her... hehe.


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