Saturday, March 31, 2007

Words of Wisdom

"Here is a test to see if your mission on earth is finished: If you are alive, then it isn't."
– Richard Bach
Ah, no wonder I am still alive with so many options opened to me now.

"Samson killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass; everyday friendships are killed with the same weapon."
– Ann Landers
Yes, it's true. I better 'zip up' my mouth... I did.


Friday, March 23, 2007

Stay Strong in the Rain

Does it matter to you if I say
I lost my confidant?
Does it matter to you if I say
I lost my confidence?
Does it matter to you if I say
I lost my friend?
Does it matter to you if I say
I am lost in the end?

Meaningless, all are meaningless,
all are chasing after the wind.
Meaningless, all are meaningless,
all go back to the beginning.
Meaningless, all are meaningless,
all labors have gone into the drain.
Meaningless, all are meaningless,
all I must do is stay strong in the rain.

- Bee

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Who Will Be There For Me?

Who will be there for me
when I need words of comfort?
Who will be there for me
when I need a shoulder to cry?
Who will be there for me
when I need to pour my sorrows?

Who will be there for me
if I were to lose my vision?
Who will be there for me
if I were to lose my voice?
Who will be there for me
if I were to die tonight?

- Bee

My Reflection

I felt alone this whole week.... the one I thought was concerned for me disappeared when I had been so sick... out of sight out of mind?

This whole week, I have been stuck with chronic cough and flu symptoms (fever, sore throat, lost voice, headache, dizzy, etc) plus host of side effects from the medication given to me by various doctors. One of the worst side effects is blur vision. I felt as if I might go blind gradually. The thought of blindness made me worried. I rather go dumb or deaf instead of blind, I thought to myself. Being blind is like the end of the world to me. I wonder how the visually impaired could survive. Perhaps they were born with that condition so it makes no difference to them.

Actually, on Monday (12 Mar 07), I went to see the specialist doctor as appointed. The doctor said that based on my chest x-rays and lung function test, I am not suffering from pneumonia... my lungs are clear. That means the two doctors at the same hospital had different diagnosis about my medical condition. One asked me to complete the 10-days antibiotic, one said no. Who should I follow? Anyway, I just completed it to play safe.

Thank God I am feeling better today, though still coughing. But who will be there for me, other than God?

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Blog Migration

My second blog,, at blog-city will no longer be free come 31 Dec 07... so sad. I have already lost all my posts in my first blog, I am not going to lose my second blog as well. Therefore, I have to migrate all my posts there to this blog. There are too many fond memories which I would like to keep and read them when I am old.

I hope Blogger will not follow the footsteps of to charge bloggers.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Moments With God

I must thank Richard for sharing with me the link to Moments With God which has many encouraging powerpoint shows. You may visit the following websites or watch the various language translation on "Interview with God".

Interview with God (English) - my favorite
Easter Presentation
Power of Love
In the Beginning
Psalm 19
Why? - my favorite
Healing Prayer - my favorite
Thanksgiving Presentation
Silent Night


Tuesday, March 06, 2007


My cough has been getting from bad to worst on Sat. I have endless phlegm in my chest and throat, making me cough out thick yellowish sputum every few minutes.

I went to the same clinic to consult the GP last Sunday morning (in total 4 times since last Christmas). Unfortunately, the doctor for that day was a very young locum (relief doctor) and she seemed inexperienced. Though I asked for a Chest x-ray she said there is no need and simply gave me some Panadol, inflammatory tablets and cough mixture. *sigh*

My fever came on and off throughout the day and night. I decided to go to the A&E (Accident and Emergency) unit of the hospital this afternoon as I felt as if I may collapse anytime. The doctor did a chest x-ray and blood test on me. The result shows I am suffering from pneumonia and was given 5 days MC... that serious! The doctor told me that if it is not treated it may result in death. This confirmed my feeling and also as said in the article about pneumonia:
Pneumonia and influenza together are ranked as the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Pneumonia consistently accounts for the overwhelming majority of deaths between the two. In 2003, 63,241 people died of pneumonia.

I will have to go back to the hospital to see the specialist in a week's time to check if the medication works on me. If not, I might be hospitalized. I hope not. well, if you don't see me post here anymore I might be gone...


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Work & Health Update

I have finally handed in my resignation letter on Monday....

I was not feeling well since the CNY. During those days at home, I dragged the thought of having to go back to work after the holidays. Actually, I already thought of leaving the company in January as I felt too much office politics at my working place. My one month notice to my company was waived and I got paid for a month w/o having to work. :)

I am now back to my headhunting career... feeling free and easy again. I will use this one month to seek God for His direction for my life. I know there is something God wants me to do.... but I am not sure what it is yet.

For the last few days I have been feeling very dizzy, with or w/o medication. The back of my head felt tight at times. At first I thought it was the effect of the cough mixture and the antibiotic. But now that I completed the medication and not taking them for more than a day, the dizziness still stays. Hmmn... sometimes I wonder if I am having a head tumor or something.

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