Monday, April 30, 2007

My New Look

When I was at the shopping mall yesterday, I just felt the urge to change my hairstyle. I simply pointed to one of the poster and told my stylish to style mine accordingly. So now my long hairdo for the last 2 over years has become medium length, just touching my shoulder like the pictures above. My long fringe is gone too.

I felt so fresh again after my haircut. Perhaps it's a psychological effect that I felt as if I am starting my life all over again. Yes, my poem Beautiful Truth and this symbolic act has helped prepare me for my new life venture and put behind things of the past and move on in faith and strength of the Lord.

One chapter of my life has closed. Wish me well. :)


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Beautiful Truth

(click image to enlarge)

the truth that he has loved you once
is as beautiful as the setting sun
though it may not last forever as in dance
be thankful that you were given the chance
to experience love and warm of someone
whom you also love, care, and want

things don't have to last forever to be beautiful
this is a comforting thought and a great truth
'cos you need not pine for what's over like a fool
thinking you can turn back the clock by what you do
keep those sweet memories as something wonderful
always thank God and keep your heart like wool

- Bee
(my poem is inspired by tonight's devotion and the above image)

The song and lyric I like tonight: "Hero" by Mariah Carey

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Friday, April 27, 2007

The Way You Think

The way you think

determines the way you feel,

and the way you feel

influences the way you act.

- Rick Warren,
The Purpose Driven Life

My Thoughts:

I like the quote above. It reinforces what the bible says in Philippians 4:6, 8-9:
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Someone once said that "worry" and "meditation" has something in common. Both think about something over and over again. When you worry, you actually think about something bad over and over again. But when you meditate, you think about something good over and over again.

Therefore, it will be wise to take heed of Paul's advice to think of:

whatever is true... God's word always is
whatever is noble... what Jesus did for us
whatever is right... how to love God and our neighbours
whatever is pure... innocent and simple
whatever is lovely... beautiful acts of kindness
whatever is admirable... people who have blessed our lives
—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Gift of Tears

Sample of Daily Encounter by Dick Innes

"Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep" (Romans 12:15).

An article in Parables, Etc., shares how "Author Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four-year-old child whose next-door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

"When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'"

By the time I was five years of age I had learned that "big men don't cry," so I learned well never to cry. As an adult, however, I came to realize that I had a problem because I couldn't cry. So I asked God to give me tears back! Whew! He did!

Not so long ago a friend from church lost her teenage daughter. She was well on a Friday. The following Friday was her funeral. This friend had already lost her son during the Vietnam war. Another friend and I visited her on Saturday night. It was incredibly sad. I had nothing to say. At times like these words can seem so empty and meaningless. I simply sat on the floor and wept with her.

Rare are the friends who know how to weep with those who weep. May God help us all to learn how to be this kind of a friend.

Suggested prayer:
"Dear God, thank you not only for the gift of laughter, but also for the gift of tears. Please help me to always be sensitive to the hurts and pains of others and learn how to weep with those who weep, as you did when your friend, Lazarus, died. Gratefully in Jesus' name. Amen."

My Thoughts:

Now I know why I have so much tears to spare, not only for myself, but for others too. For me, they wash away all the sadness in my heart so I can continue my journey again and again. For others, they show that I care and feel for them. Thank God for the gift of tears.

When I am sad and crying, please don't ask me to stop crying... cry with me if you can. After the rain comes the sunshine and rainbow. After the tears come release and peace.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Words of Wisdom

"Anger is only one letter short of danger."
- Unknown

"Remember: Flattery is like perfume. Sniff it, don't drink it!"
- Unknown

"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"No matter what your past may have been, everyone can have a clean future. Talk to God about it. He has the answer."
- Anonymous

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Monday, April 16, 2007

My New Posts Alert

It seems that only my new posts alert is working but not the comments alert. :(

Anyway, for those who wish to subscribe to my new posts alert may submit your email below and see if you can receive alert whenever I post new entries. Kindly let me know the result. Thks!

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Limited Love

"Your love for her is limited, for you love only if you can be with her. If you really love her, you will love even if you know you can't be with her."

My Thoughts:

The above was the statement made by one of the characters in the TV movie I watched this evening. It made me pondered much though I have not been thinking about such topic for quite a while. It sounded very profound to me.

Isn't that true for most people, especially for guys, that when they can't be with the one they claimed to love they will stop loving after some time? *sigh*

Other than Jesus Christ, I have not come across someone who has unlimited love for the one he claims to love. Time shows up many false claims.

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Me and My Church

Wow! Thank God for keeping me faithful to my church. :)

Thank you, Bee, for completing the Me and My Church test. The analysis of your response is as follows:


46 out of 60


Looking at how you scored ...

Score 6-20 Perhaps some serious heart-searching and consideration is required to consider why there seems to be a significant lack of being 'connected' to your local body of believers.

Score 21-45 In the middle ground. Are there aspects of your involvement that need prayerful consideration and perhaps some discussion with those in leadership?

Score 45-60 We think you should be encouraged.


"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." [1 Cor 12:27]
"Most Christians want all of the privileges and none of the responsibilities."
George Verwer

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Career Check Up

This test is something new and interesting. It makes me ponder over my current career. You may like to try it and share with me your result. Mine is below:

Thank you, Bee, for completing the Career Check up test. The analysis of your response is as follows:


89 out of 100

Career Check up

See below to see what your score might imply.

Your job brings you very little job satisfaction and may even be causing you a sense of emotional, psychological and/or physical pain. You may find that it affects your self-esteem, your relationships and your spiritual life. Your health and general sense of well-being could well depend on your making some changes in your work situation!

Your feelings about your job may fluctuate between dissatisfaction and toleration, but you do not feel deeply excited or enthusiastic about your job. For the most part, your work does not bring you a sense of enjoyment or fulfilment.

Right now work may be satisfying, overall. There may be, however, one or more key components that you rated low that are motivating you to consider other job or career options.

If work "feels good," you are most likely in a job that is a good match. If, however, your job doesn't feel quite right for you, there may be some key satisfaction factors that are not being met and would be worthwhile to explore. Perhaps God has something better in store for you!

So, what does it mean?

Perhaps if your score indicates a level of uncertainty and dissatisfaction it would be good to spend time reflecting on why this is the case. Sometimes God does allow unsettling experiences to give us a gentle 'nudge' into something new. At other times the root may simply be in our attitude to the job rather than the job itself.

God wants us to be fulfilled in living out our lives in line with his plans and utilising the gifts we have. If you are unsure that you are in the place of God's choice, or he may be 'nudging' you towards some area of Christian service, why not consider the designate programme offered by CV. Examine your gifts. Reflect on what the bible has to say about vocation, gifts and service.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

What Job Suits Me?

My career is taking a different form ever since I left my previous job last month. I have been doing lots of research, reading up lots of info from books and internet, and also seek godly counsels from people who are familiar with what I am about to embark into. When God closed one door, He opened so many that I don't know which one to choose. *eyes rolling* I need to prayerfully bring them to God to guide me to the right one.

While surfing the net I came across a site Releasing God's People Into God's Work. I did my first test and got my result below. Maybe God is preparing for mission work? You may like to try the test yourself and share with me your result.

Questionnaire results:

Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Below will find the top 3 category matches to your answers. In addition, there may also be a selection of keywords that help to define the type of position you may be suited for.

EducationPrimary, Secondary and Higher Education, Houseparents, TEFL / TESOL Teaching, Theological and Vocational Education.

Support MinistriesIncluding: Administration, Computers, Finance, Logistics, Management, Personnel, Secretarial, Conference Centre Management, Tentmaking Professionals, etc.

EngineeringThis will include: Aviation, Construction Trades, Engineering, Maintenance and Practical roles.

Administration (which will include Secretary, Manager, etc as unseen synonymous words)
Children / Youth
Disciple (which will include Pastor, Counsellor, Minister, Youth Worker as unseen synonymous words)
Tentmaker (Business, Professionals, Enterprising, TEFL, etc.)
Accountant (Bookkeeper, Finance)
Leadership (Management, Director)

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Friendship & Love

My recent devotions seem to have a central theme on love and friendship such as:
My devotion last night again talked about Ruth's love for her mother-in-law, Noami. How did Ruth demonstrate her love?

Love is being faithful
Love is being courages
Love is being trusting
Love is being obedient
Love is doing, not just talking

These series of devotions make me think about what it really means to be a "friend". I seem to have a new revelation on "friendship" when I did my devotion Joy of True Friendship and Love. Now I know why some "friendship" can't last....

It's been more than a year since I last thought about the value of friendship. As I read my last year's post, Second Chance Reflections, I wonder where have my 'friends' gone.

Friend C (2003)
No news of him... perhaps he has started life afresh in both new work and new relationship. I wish him all the best.

Friend D (2004)

Not much change I guess, still drops by my blog to comment once in a while. Thanks for being around!

Friend K (2004)
Has found his sweet heart and too busy with both work and pak tor (dating), so no time to read my blog anymore. I am happy for him anyway.

Friend L (2004)
Disappeared.... perhaps already happily married and has no time for the cyber world. I wish her all the best.

Friend T (2005)

I said then, "I am not sure how long our friendship will last since we only know each other for about 6 months... only time can tell."
Right, time tells me that friendship changes with time for better or for worst. In this case the latter is true. But I will still be happy for him if he feels happier now.

Friend R & Friend M (2005)
I said then, "They made my days most of the time. Yes, I will miss them too if I have to go..."
I am glad that Friend R still drops by my blog very often and comments frequently... my true blog supporter and reader! :D I really appreciate his online friendship. I wish him and his family every happiness always.
Friend M has disappeared too... I wonder how she is now. I hope all is well with her.

Friend G (2005)
Still struggling with the same problems. I pray that God will help him break free.

12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
14You are my friends if you do what I command.
- John 15:7-14

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Monday, April 02, 2007

My VisualDNA™

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